Konstantina Sokratous
Doctoral Candidate
University of Florida
Konstantina Sokratous
About Me
Doctoral candidate in the Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience area at the University of Florida, working with Dr. Peter Kvam. I received multiple awards to develop machine learning approaches to model fitting and joint modeling of various types of data. Throughout my graduate career, I have been working on projects related to modeling anticipatory decision-making and timing, pricing of delayed prospects, decisions among alternatives that change over time and various other higher cognitive functions that drive behavior such as procrastination.
- Expertise AI, Computational Modeling, Bayesian Methods
- Residence USA
- Expected Graduation 2025
- e-mail k.sokratous@ufl.edu
- Dissertation ML Methods for the Discovery of Latent Structures
What I Do
Ph.D Advisor and main collaborator.
Area Director at UF, master's and doctoral committee member, past instructor.
Long-time co-worker, research associate at the University of Florida.
Funded by
Most Recent Work
Fun Facts
Fav Coding Language
PythonSee me next
Psychonomics 2024Languages
4Short Resume
2024 - Current
Ohio State UniversityVisiting Scholar
One year visit at the Department of Psychology with the goal to work on experiential vs descriptive decision-making and joint modeling of various sources of data.
2020 - Current
University of FloridaGraduate Research Assistant
Research projects on computational modeling and Bayesian models of cognition, agent-based and quantum models of decision-making. Probabilistic programming with PyMC, Stan, and JAGS. Use of deep neural networks for automated model fitting, model comparison, joint modeling, and exploratory data analysis.
2016 - Current
CCIF CyprusCEO & Co-Founder
Non profit organisation, funded by European Union initiatives, active in the domain of women's right, immigration integration, and youth mentoring.
University of FloridaTeaching Instructor
Instructor for PSY2012 - General Psychology. Class size: 48
Materials will be posted in the blog section.
2018 - 2020
Olea Medical/ Canon IncOperations Analyst
Policy and model moderation, strategy iteration and optimization of data pipelines for automated diagnosis.
2020 - Current
University of FloridaPh.D, M.Sc Psychology (Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience)
Thesis: "SINs: Simulation Inversion Networks for Automated Modeling"
Dissertation:"ML Methods for the Discovery of Latent Structures"
Advisor: Dr Peter Kvam
2018 - 2019
Montpellier Business SchoolM.Sc Operations Management
Industry funded
2013 - 2018
University of Montpellier IIIBA, M.Sc Clinical Psychology
Coding Skills
Select Publications
Psychological ReviewDecisions among shifting choice alternatives reveal option-general representations of evidence
Kvam, P. D., Sokratous, K., & Fitch, A.
DecisionUsing artificial intelligence to fit, compare, evaluate, and discover computational models of decision behavior
Kvam, P. D., Sokratous, K., Fitch, A. K., & Hintze, A.
Journal of Choice ModelingHow to ask twenty questions and win: Machine learning tools for assessing preferences from small samples of willingness-to-pay prices
Sokratous, K., Fitch, A. K., & Kvam, P. D.. (link)
Behavior Research MethodsImproving the reliability and validity of the IAT with a dynamic model driven by similarity
Kvam, P. D., Irving, L. H., Sokratous, K., & Smith, C. T.
- Neural Networks/RL
- Data Engineering
- Evolutionary Computation
- Data Analysis
- Cognitive Science
- Problem-Solving
- Project Management
- Computational Modeling